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I Stand at the Door and Knock

Sweetwater Recorder

By Ronald G. Currell

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church,

Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if anyone hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in and sit with him and he with me."

Jesus now sat in the entrance alone. Out in the foyer. Out in the public part of the house that guards the private life from visitors. On strictly a human level, He wondered why He was still there. But on His Divine level, He knew very well. He had said He would do this, so now he was. He remembered, as though the past were now.

Jesus had knocked on this one door for years, but it had never opened. Jesus had said, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if anyone hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in and sit with him and he with me." Today was special. Today it opened. Today, He went in. Things were new and fresh and clean and they sat together. They talked about everything. "I want to know everything about You," He heard. So, they shared everything. And, Jesus now sat in the throne room of the heart and they were happy.

But time seems to grow cobwebs on all things. Things were not new anymore. Things were every-day. Things had become commonplace. And like a bride not to be courted again, he sat in this room alone. Out in the foyer. Out in the public part of the house that guards the private life from visitors. "We know each other so well, we don’t need to talk anymore." This is what He heard now. Everyone lived separately under one roof.

In our houses and in our Churches, relationships on all levels need to be rekindled, like the embers in the hearth, else even the smoldering heat will cool and die out.

Just as the people of Sweetwater need different Christian experiences, the various Christian Churches offer different expressions of the same faith. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church offers a quiet, respectful hour dedicated to God every Sunday Morning at 11:00 AM, preceded by a thought-provoking Bible Discussion Class, where we discuss intriguing passages from the Bible. Drop by some time. See: www.ststephens.net.

Please make plans to attend your Church-of-choice this coming Sunday.

